Hamid Rezaie
Orthovan trading ltd, Ukraine
Title: Orthodontic microimplant for distalization of mandibular dentaion in calss III correction
Biography: Hamid Rezaie
Treatment of class III without crowding use implant was used for distalization for lower dention. Every orthodontic tooth
movement is accompanied by a reaction. Th is can make it diffi cult to correct a malocclusion by using intraoral appliances
alone, especially when complete distal movement of the mandibular dentition is planned in nonsurgical Class III malocclusion
treatment. Traditionally, fi xed appliancesand intermaxillary elastics have been used to move mandibular molars distally, oft en
resulting in undesirable proclination of the maxillary incisors and extrusion of the maxillary molars as reciprocal side eff ects