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Mustapha NM

Mustapha NM

The Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Title: Perfecting smiles with braces


Biography: Mustapha NM


In this new challenging world that we live in today, a smile may not necessarily imply happiness or satisfaction as it may
physically suggest. Perfecting smiles with braces is about going the extra mile to ensure orthodontic expectations are met, by
providing a life changing experience before, during and aft er orthodontic treatment. Th is is similar to the concept of emotional
dentistry which is widely used today. Over time, many new fi ndings about malocclusions and their implications together with
the role of orthodontic treatments are being published. A recent systematic review conducted in the UK found that orthodontic
treatment provided to patients below the age of 18 years leads to moderate improvements in oral health-related quality of life
(OHRQoL) following treatment. Keeping up with current updates on OHRQoL and psychological wellbeing enables a holistic
approach to planning an orthodontic treatment. Moreover, various aesthetic appliances are now available to maintain smiles
during treatment. Orthodontics has signifi cantly evolved since its inception, allowing the quality of treatment to be improved.
Eventually, following active orthodontic treatment, it is essential to retain the perfect smile in terms of appearance, health and
function. Th is include the use of clear overlay retainers, allowing night time retainer wear instead of full time wear and new
methods on managing the unaesthetic appearance of decalcifi cations. Aiming for a perfect smile will certainly lead to a high
standard of care which should be the ultimate goal in every orthodontic practice.